Internet of Nature is the answer to building healthy urban ecosystems

Internet of Nature® is a classification of emerging technologies to protect, restore—and reconnect people to—urban nature.

Smart cities are here to stay

Many cities are going digital, from self-driving cars to smart grids to intelligent traffic signals. Cities are putting digital technology to work, using data to drive efficiency, and improve the quality of life for citizens.

Application of technology to solve environmental issues is falling short

It's hard to believe that, with all the advancements in ecosystem management, the natural capital in cities is at risk of being left behind. Investing in technology to prevent urban ecology decay finds itself, over and over again, at the bottom of the digitisation agenda of most cities.

"Internet of Nature" to build Smart Green Cities

An IoN network will support urban ecologists and planners in developing an urban nature intelligence system that will improve the understanding of ecosystem dynamics while promoting self-sufficiency and resilience across the city. An important step to connect both the urban social and ecological systems that will pave the way to smarter, greener, and healthier communities.

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